iRAM Product

iRAM Chiplet – Next Generation Memory Replacing SRAM and Flash


New designs require more memory, iRAM provides 2X density over embedded SRAM reducing overall system cost.

Low Power

As nearly all consumer electronic devices are either battery powered or have stricter power consumption budgets, being able to save power while not giving up performance is a huge benefit.


As device complexity continues to increase, being able to offer a single chiplet that can support volatile and non-volatile memory, execute from memory, and field replaceable OTP all in a single die offers a big advantage.


Unlike standard CMOS memory, iRAM can scale to the smallest nodes without the issues faced by 6T SRAM.


iRAM significantly improves endurance over standard embedded MRAM macros.

World Class

Read performance – 3ns

Read power

Write Endurance >1E12

Embedded ARM M0+

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